Tag Archives: my boyfriend

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses, just watch for thorns…

Every time I think back to when  I was in Philadelphia on the 11th floor mental health unit in Hahneman hospital, I remember the guy that looked like O.J. Simpson.

I tossed him 2 packets of sugar, and he said to me, “I ain’t no dog, you white bitch.”

Well the next day, I said to the counselor, “Funny he said that to me, because I always wanted to be black.”

And the counselor said, “You have issues.”

Anyways, today has been somewhat productive.  I got shopping done and spent more quality time with my boyfriend.  I am wired right now due to caffeine, and plan to stay up for awhile.  It’s always something isn’t it?  Good night gentlemen…good morning ladies.